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  • Gusuku Yama, the Symbolic Feature of Ie Island

Gusuku Yama, the Symbolic Feature of Ie Island


From Kokoro House, you can enjoy a great view of Gusuku Yama (commonly known as Tacchu), a rocky mountain that is 172 meters above sea level and a hallmark feature of Ie Island.

The distinctive shape of Mt. Gusuku is formed by off-scraping, a rare geological formation.

Its unique shape, like that of a hat, has been a guiding landmark for seafarers in the vicinity of the island.

Visitors are welcome to hike up to the apex of this rocky hill.

It takes about 15 minutes by car from Kokoro House to Mt. Gusuku.

On a nice sunny day, we recommend a nice trek to Mt. Gusuku as you take in the sights along the way.